$ 150.00
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Credit Card Info
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Billing Details

Donation Total: $150.00

For online payments please use the above form. Select your Membership Options and press Join Us Today! Full Membership Options document can be found further down this page.

Cheques or Money Orders to be made out to The Republican Party of Australia, PO Box 843, Castle Hill NSW 1765
Operations Account Details:
Account Name: The Republican Party of Australia
BSB: #032 078
Account Number: #15 8111

For offline transactions please print the 2 forms below, fill them out and send them with your remittance to The Republican Party of Australia, PO Box 843, Castle Hill NSW 1765

When joining The RPA it is important to sign with a black biro pen. Download both forms, complete,  sign and date both the Statement of RPA Party Membership form and the Confirmation of RPA Party Membership form. Mail these 2 forms together to The National Secretariat of The RPA at PO Box 843, Castle Hill, NSW 1765.

A remittance for the chosen Membership category [cheque or money order] may either be coupled therewith or, for security & efficacy reasons, you can use the online form above.

*The same procedure applies to former/past Members of The RPA who wish to Re-Join The Fold. If this is the case, The Re-Joining Member should advise The Party of his/her previous RPA Membership Number, if known.