Happenings 2023!

MC Paul Tully Presenting 2023 Republican of the Year Award to Winner Dr. Benjamin T. Jones
Happenings 2023!

Wattle Day #18 Guest Speaker Glenn Druery known and widely respected in Australian politics as ‘The Preference Whisperer’
Happenings 2022!

Wattle Day Luncheon #17 Guest Speaker Andrew Baxter with RPA National Executive Director Peter Consandine
Happenings 2021!

PETER CONSANDINE with Severina Biabato – Enthusiastic A.R.M. Member at The Broadway Open Forum held on 10th November 2021
Wednesday, 1 September 2021 at Rozelle NSW 2039 16th Annual Wattle Day Luncheon…Guest Speaker: Jim Simpson, Convener of the Worldwide Climate Realists organisation.
*Pre-Arranged postponement – predicated on NSW Gummint restrictions notwithstanding – Wednesday, 27th October at the same venue.

2021 Wattle Day Luncheon Guest Speaker JIM SIMPSON
with Moderator of the event PETER CONSANDINE
Happenings 2020!
MC Vic Hocking together with 2020 Wattle Day Luncheon Guest Speaker Brett Kelly and Wattle Day Events National Secretary Peter Consandine at the 15th Annual Gig at Rozelle NSW 2039 on 1st September of the chaotic, Covid-19 pandemic year.